So, I have been trying product after product and spending outlandish amounts of money on skin care for so long that I finally gave up and went back to the cheap stuff because I never saw results. Regarding this product, I have been skeptical and turning representatives away at the mall for years. Yesterday I finally gave in and agreed to a hand test. I was surprised by how well it seemed to work and even the next morning, the hand that was tested still looks and feels so much better than the other. Anyways, the gal that helped me gave me a great deal so I decided I would give it a go. It’s been a while since I tried something new. I have only used it once, literally like 10 minutes ago and I feel like I have fresh baby skin. She said it will take some time to see acne improvement. But overall, I see texture improvement and even some lightening on spots/scars after just one use. I do not have terrible acne and can live with some bumps here and there, but the different textures and marks left over, that’s what I really want gone. I want to confidently go makeup free, and when I do wear makeup, I want it to look clean and beautiful. I want smooth skin and happy skin. I can already tell I will achieve those things. I gave up on perfect skin a long time ago, but I do think it’s possible to be happy with my skin and this just might be the trick. Also got the moisturizer. I normally use gel based moisturizing products to help with oil, but this cream is very light and soaked right in leaving no residue so I have high hopes for that as well! Can’t wait to see and feel the difference after each use!