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Crafting the Perfect Morning Skincare Routine: Tips and Tricks

woman applying moisturizer

Published: September 30, 2024

woman applying moisturizer

Want your skin to look flawless and radiant all day long? The right morning skincare routine can help to get you there. Read on as Bionyx shares some expert tips and tricks to help you craft the perfect AM skincare regimen.

Always Start by Washing Your Face

Rhodium Mousse Cleanser

The very first step in every morning skincare routine should be to wash your face. Sure, you probably (hopefully!) gave your skin a good cleanse the evening before, but there will still be a new onslaught of impurities on your face that you need to get rid of before applying any other skincare products. Between bacteria from your bedding, sebum, dead skin cells, and more, your morning skincare regimen needs to begin by establishing a clean slate.

With that said, how you wash your face should depend on your skin type. If your skin is severely sensitive, using a cleanser twice a day could be detrimental. This may further compromise your already damaged skin barrier. So, instead, simply give your face a rinse with lukewarm water, skipping the cleanser.

On the other hand, other skin types may benefit from using a cleanser in the morning. This will remove the excess sebum produced by oily and combination skin, as well as the flakes that can appear on dry skin. A gentle cleanser, like the Bionyx Rhodium Mousse Cleanser, is all you need. This cleanser will moisturize while it sweeps away impurities, setting your skin up well for the rest of your morning skincare routine.

Hydrate With a Toner

Facial Toner

Many people find themselves in a rush in the mornings, meaning that they try to keep their morning skincare regimens as simple as possible. If this is the case for you, then go ahead and skip the toner – it’s not absolutely essential.

However, if you have a few extra seconds to spare, taking the time to apply a hydrating toner can make a huge difference to your complexion. It will give your skin a splash of moisture while also rebalancing the pH levels on your skin’s surface. This will leave your skin feeling prepped and highly receptive to any other products that you apply.

Of course, those benefits are only experienced if you use the right toner. Many of the toners out there are extremely astringent. They’ll only dry out your skin and interfere with the functioning of your skin’s natural protective barrier. This is definitely not what you want at any time of the day but especially in the mornings. After all, you’re about to go out into a world that will constantly be throwing environmental aggressors at your skin. You need your skin barrier to be at its very best. 

The solution is to find yourself a gentle and hydrating toner, just like the Bionyx Rhodium Facial Toner. With a blend of sodium hyaluronate, niacinamide, and glycerin, it will leave your skin glowing!

Stock Up on Antioxidants


As we mentioned, environmental aggressors are a big concern for your skin during the day. This is something that your morning skincare routine needs to address. How? With antioxidants.

Antioxidants are revered for how they neutralize and reverse the appearance of free radical damage. Whether this damage consists of dark spots caused by the sun, dullness due to pollution, a damaged barrier from the wind, or anything else, antioxidants will help your skin to feel restored and healthy once again.

To make the most of this, try to squeeze as many antioxidants as possible into your morning skincare routine. The added benefit of this is that antioxidants work best when they’re combined with other antioxidants, meaning that this tactic will give you even better results from your morning skincare regimen.

How should you incorporate these antioxidants into your routine? The products that we’ve featured so far are packed with them, but antioxidant serums would also be a good move. A formula like the Bionyx BioLift Platinum Deep Wrinkle Concentrate would be a great addition to any morning routine. In this serum, vitamins A, C, and E, which are three of the most powerful antioxidants around, are joined by antioxidant-rich plant oils to provide a blend that will keep your skin feeling safe all day.

Lock Everything in With a Moisturizer

Rhodium Essential Day Cream

Moisturizing is a key part of any morning skincare routine. It serves a few important purposes, with the first being to leave your skin barrier feeling thicker and stronger so that environmental aggressors won’t take such a toll on your complexion.

A moisturizer will also provide an additional boost of hydration while locking in all of the products that you’ve already applied. Without a moisturizer to seal those in, they’ll quickly end up evaporating into the air, meaning that your morning skincare routine won’t stick around to carry you through the entire day.

How do you choose a suitable morning moisturizer? For most people, a lightweight formula is what’s needed. You don’t want your skin to look greasy or feel weighed down during the day. You may also want to apply makeup after your skincare routine and you don’t want your moisturizer to interfere with this. A moisturizer like the Bionyx Rhodium Essential Day Cream would be an excellent choice. 

Don’t Forget About Sun Protection

While the products that we’ve featured so far can also be included in an evening skincare routine, there’s one essential component that’s exclusive to your morning routine; sunscreen. This is non-negotiable, even if you don’t plan on spending much time outdoors. With the sun’s UV rays capable of penetrating through clouds and glass, your skin is never really safe.

If you’re hoping to achieve a healthy complexion, sun damage should be avoided at all costs. Not only will it accelerate the skin aging process, speeding up the onset of wrinkles, sagging skin, and dark spots, but it will also cause inflammation and contribute to skin cancer.

To ensure adequate protection, always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen. This indicates that it will protect against both UVA and UVB rays, which not all sunscreens do. A minimum SPF of 30 is also a must, although those with severely sensitive skin may want to go for a higher level of protection.

Knowing when to apply your sunscreen is also crucial. Mineral sunscreens need to sit on the skin’s outermost layer. This means that they should be applied after you moisturize. Meanwhile, chemical sunscreens do best when they’re in close contact with your skin. As a result, these should be applied before you moisturize. Which is best? This all depends on your skin type and personal preferences. Those with oily skin often favor chemical sunscreens due to how mineral formulas can leave a thick white cast on the skin. At the same time, many are willing to deal with this in exchange for applying fewer chemicals to their skin.

Add in Extras When You Have the Time

Rhodium Eye Serum

If you’re trying to speed through your morning skincare routine as quickly as possible, the steps that we’ve shared above will do you well. Those products don’t take long to apply, meaning that you’ll have your routine done and dusted in just a few minutes.

However, if you have some time to spare, there are a few extra products that you could include in your morning skincare routine. For example, if you often wake up with puffy eyes or dark circles, an eye serum, like the Bionyx Rhodium Intensive Eye Serum, could be a big game-changer. With numerous ingredients that are known for how they soothe, plump, and brighten the complexion, this formula will have your eye area looking radiant in no time.

The Bionyx Rhodium Wrinkle Plumping Syringe can also be a useful product to have around in the mornings. This fast-acting formula has been designed to smooth away the look of wrinkles in seconds. It will quickly give your complexion a firm and wrinkle-free finish, leaving you looking several years younger! Although this product shouldn’t be used daily, you can turn to it when you have a big day ahead of you and are looking for a skin- and confidence-booster!

Be Consistent With Your Morning Skincare Routine

When it comes to skincare, consistency is everything. Once you have put together a morning skincare routine, you need to stick to it if you want to see improvements in your complexion.

If this is something that you struggle with, there are a few steps that you can take to make things easier. Firstly, lay all of your morning skincare products out so that they’re easily visible when you’re bleary-eyed and half-awake. Line them up on your bathroom sink so that there’s no way you can miss them and forget about them. You could even do this in order of usage to make your morning skincare routine more streamlined.

Making an effort to turn your morning skincare routine into an enjoyable experience, as opposed to a chore that you rush through, can also help with consistency. Whether this means listening to a podcast as you apply your products or doing some breathing exercises to start your day off with a dose of mindfulness, allow your morning routine to perk you up for the day.

Of course, if you do happen to neglect your morning skincare for a few days, don’t give up completely. Mistakes are normal! The important thing is that you pick yourself back up and return to giving your skin what it needs. Sure, breaking your routine can feel demotivating but re-approach it with some vigor and you’ll soon fall back into healthy habits once again.


Your morning skincare routine is a great opportunity to give your complexion a fresh start for the day. It’s very common to wake up with skin that feels unbalanced, whether this means that it’s overly dry or excessively oily. Either way, your morning routine can help to put things right. Follow the tips and tricks that we’ve shared above when building an AM skincare routine and the benefits of this will soon start to show in your skin.

Click here to add more bestselling Bionyx products to your morning skincare routine.

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