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8 Skincare Trends That Are Dominating 2024, According to Experts

young caucasian woman

Published: August 15, 2024

young caucasian woman

Now that we’re more than halfway through 2024, it’s easy to see which of this year’s skincare trends have really dominated the industry. While many of them have been great additions to the beauty world, others are best avoided. Read on as Bionyx shares eight of 2024’s skincare that you need to know about:

1) Streamlining Skincare

Alloy Platinum Synergizing Serum

For a while, the average skincare routine became pretty complicated. This is largely down to the Korean skincare trends that have infiltrated the global beauty world, with the 10-step routine being one that garnered a particularly large amount of attention. It was one that so many people tried out, extending their own routines to include many more steps.

When it comes down to it, there’s nothing wrong with this, so long as the products that you’re using are truly beneficial to your skin. However, there’s also nothing wrong with a shorter skincare routine – one that encompasses multi-functional products to provide the same benefits as a complex routine but with far fewer steps.

This is something that more and more people have been recognizing, which is why streamlining skincare is one of the biggest skincare trends of 2024. People are shunning their long and time-consuming beauty regimens in favor of routines that take less time and involve fewer products.

If you would like to give this trend a try, you’ll need to start with the basics. A good but gentle cleanser, like the Bionyx Rhodium Mousse Cleanser, is a must. You’ll also need a moisturizer and a sunscreen. After this, you can add in as many or as few products as you want. Our recommendation would be a multi-tasking serum, such as the Alloy Platinum Synergizing Serum, and possibly an eye cream. Plus, an exfoliator a couple of times a week is a must too! Other than that, you’re unlikely to need many more products, enabling you to easily streamline your own routine.

2) A Focus on Prevention

Rhodium Wrinkle Plumping Syringe

‘Prevention is better than cure’ is a saying that has been around for a while, and the skincare industry is finally starting to take notice. While, up until now, the focus was predominantly on treating visible skin concerns that had already arisen, consumers and brands are now turning their attention to products that will help to prevent those issues from becoming problems in the first place.

Take wrinkles, for example. While the Bionyx Rhodium Wrinkle Plumping Syringe will help you to instantly make those creases barely noticeable, it would be nice to not have to deal with those lines in the first place. As a result, more and more people are now using ingredients like retinoids, peptides, and vitamin C at a younger age. They’re also prioritizing sun protection more – something that desperately needed to happen!

There’s no denying that this is one of the best skincare trends that 2024 has seen yet, so long as you don’t go overboard with your actives. If you plan on using retinoids in your 20s or early 30s, go with a milder derivative, such as the retinyl palmitate used in the Bionyx BioLift Platinum Deep Wrinkle Concentrate. As you progress through life, you can then opt for retinol and other more potent retinoids.

3) Tech Tweakments


2023 saw consumers increasingly moving away from traditional cosmetic surgeries, favoring non-invasive alternatives instead. Rather than offering unbelievably dramatic results, these ‘tweakments’ provided a subtler but more natural finish. 

2024 takes the ‘tweakment’ trend to the next level by bringing technology into the mix. People are now looking for more convenient, as well as more cost-effective ways, to ‘tweak’ their skin. As a result, everything from microneedling devices to LED light therapy devices is now becoming more popular than ever. These tools enable you to bring about professional-level changes in your complexion, without having to fork out your time and money for expensive treatments.

Take the Bionyx Photonix-3 Neck Solution, for example. It allows you to tighten and firm up the look of loose, saggy, and wrinkled skin on the neck. It’s completely non-invasive so you won’t need to worry about side effects. Although you won’t see instant results from your very first use, using it regularly will soon have the skin on your neck looking smoother, tauter, and more youthful.

4) Skincare Routines For the Body

Body Care

When it comes to skincare trends, it often feels like the face receives all of the attention. That’s partly why this body-related trend has made waves. It’s all about creating a separate skincare routine for your body, giving the skin here the same lavish care that you provide to your face.

While the next of the skincare trends on this list is one that you shouldn’t follow, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this one. The skin on your body deserves plenty of TLC. Taking some time to focus on it by thoughtfully choosing ingredients and products is nothing but a good thing.

If you’re new to body skincare, the Bionyx Body Care Set makes it easy to get started. There are three products in this set, with our Salt Scrub being the first. It makes use of sea salt, which will not only exfoliate your skin to leave it looking smooth and polished but will also impart several skin-loving minerals.

After this, you can then apply either the Body Butter or the Hand and Body Cream. The former is a thicker formula, making it good for the winter months or for any drier areas of skin that you may have. The cream is lighter, making it ideal for the summer season!

5) Reverse Skincare

As you’re probably aware, not all skincare trends are good! Sometimes, a trend will pop up that has dermatologists uniting in dislike, and reverse skincare is one of those.

What is it? This trend is essentially about reversing your skincare routine. You start by cleansing your face but then, instead of using a toner or a serum, you would apply a moisturizer. After this, you would then apply a serum, followed by a toner. Basically, your entire skincare routine back to front after cleansing.

What’s the point of doing this? There really isn’t one, which is why just about every dermatologist would advise against it. By starting with a moisturizer, you’ll be creating a barrier over your skin’s surface. After all, this is what moisturizers are designed to do. However, this means that any lighter products that are applied over the top won’t be able to properly penetrate through this barrier, making them ineffective. Sure, they may still provide some superficial hydration but they aren’t going to do much for the overall health and vitality of your complexion. 

So, although you may have been seeing this trend all over social media this year, give this one a miss!

6) A Focus on Niacinamide

BIO-Facial Toner

Each year, certain skincare ingredients take the spotlight. 2024 sees niacinamide, aka vitamin B3, in the limelight, with everyone gushing over the various ways in which this ingredient has helped their skin.

Should you believe all of the rave reviews? Yes, there’s no reason why not! This is one of those skincare trends that’s well worth following because niacinamide truly is a fantastic ingredient to be using. 

Research confirms the multi-tasking abilities that this ingredient has, making it fall perfectly in line with the streamlining trend too! Not only does it function as an antioxidant but it also lightens the look of discoloration, strengthens the feel of the skin barrier, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s an ingredient that just about everyone should be using! 

If you don’t yet have a niacinamide product in your skincare routine, check out the Bionyx Rhodium Facial Toner. In addition to niacinamide, it also contains sodium hyaluronate. This ingredient has excellent fast-acting hydrating capabilities. These make it a great way to plump up the look of your skin in seconds. To maximize these benefits, apply this toner immediately after cleansing your skin, while your skin is still damp.

7) Eco-Friendly Packaging

It’s no secret that the beauty industry is a wasteful one, producing 120 billion units of packaging a year. Much of this cannot be recycled. What happens next? It ends up in a landfill, which consumers didn’t previously think about much. However, today’s consumers are, fortunately, much more eco-friendly and want to reduce their environmental impact as much as possible.

As a result, more and more people are seeking out products that come in eco-friendly packaging. This is to the extent that many are now boycotting their previous go-tos in favor of alternatives that don’t cause quite as much environmental harm. 

At Bionyx, we make sure that all of our packaging is recyclable. Plus, some of our jars and containers look so exquisite that you’ll probably want to wash them out and repurpose them anyway!

8) Holistic Skincare

Holistic skincare is one of those skincare trends that has been rumbling in the background in recent years but is only now making an emergence. And for that, we couldn’t be happier!

Holistic skincare is all about taking a wider look at the different factors that affect your skin. Using skincare products that contain botanicals and other natural ingredients is one part of it, but lifestyle choices are a much larger element.

Follow the holistic skincare trend and you’ll need to make sure that everything from your diet to your sleep routine is geared toward enhancing your skin as much as possible. You’ll also need to cut out any skin-damaging vices that you may have, such as smoking or over-indulging on alcohol every once in a while. While this may sound like a lot of work, the difference in your complexion will make this more than worthwhile!

Knowing Which Skincare Trends to Follow

As 2024 continues, you’ll likely see many other skincare trends emerging. Just like the above, some of them are definitely worth paying attention to, but others should be viewed with a pinch of salt. To ensure that you don’t end up intentionally harming your skin, make sure that you always do plenty of research into any skincare trends you intend to follow. Those trends should be backed up by science and approved by the experts before you consider giving them a try!

Click here to elevate your skincare routine with more bestselling products from Bionyx.

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